Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Solar Energy- What Do You Stand To Lose?

The world today has become highly dependent on fossil fuels as a source of energy and the search for alternative fuel sources has already begun. Having reliable solar power systems seems to be our best bet. But a lot of us are still pessimistic about this new kind of energy generation. Why? The answer is simple; we haven't tried it out yet. Using this alternative energy, we don't lose anything but stand to gain a whole lot of benefits. Let's look at a few of them.    
1. Saves you cash on energy bills
Once the initial investment on the purchase and installation of the solar kit is recovered, the electricity generated from the sun is practically FREE. The amount of electricity your household uses will determine how fast you recover your initial investment.
If the energy that you utilize is less than what your system produces, that excess energy will run your meter backwards, thus crediting on your own account. This is called net metering. This will be the case if you are connected to your utility grid. Since solar energy does not require any fuel, there are on costs incurred after installation and the savings are immediate and for several years to come. Its use also indirectly reduces health costs.

2. Living Green
Unlike oil, coal and other nonrenewable forms of energy, solar energy is clean, renewable and sustainable, thereby protecting environment. It doesn’t contribute to the pollution of our air through the release of gases like nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury to the atmosphere.
Therefore solar energy has nothing to do with global warming or acid rain. By not using any fuel, solar energy does not have problems with transportation of fuel or the storage of radioactive waste (in the case of conventional sources).

3. Independence
With solar power, the consumption of energy supplied by utility companies is reduced. Reducing your electricity bill is just a fraction of its benefits. Whenever there's an electric outage, it serves as a backup supplying your home/ business with electricity. Being that Solar technology systems can operate independently, they can therefore be installed in remote locations (that have no connection to the grid), which makes it cost-effective.
Solar technology utilization is not influenced by natural disasters or international events. You don't have to worry about increase in energy bills, and so it makes a sustainable and energy independent future more realistic.

4. Low/ no maintenance
Most solar energy systems have over twenty years warranty (over two decades) and are maintenance free. Once installed, there are no recurring costs and so you get to be your own energy provider. Unlike backup generators, solar systems have no moving parts and operate silently. Neither does it release offensive smells nor do you need to add any fuel. Upgrading is also easy. More solar panel systems can certainly be added as your home or business demands for it.

The time to switch from fossil fuels to an inexhaustible source of energy has come. Over the years, stopping the pollution and damage caused by these fossil fuels to the environment has become a priority. Today, due to global warning, the need for alternative energy sources has been realized. Solar powered system is the energy solution for consumers today. Why don't you try it out.

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